====== JIMPI - Java IMP Interpreter ====== In the lecture [[http://www.infsec.ethz.ch/education/ss10/fmfp|Formal Methods and Functional Programming]] we were reasoning about a simple language called IMP. The JIMPI project implements a parser, interpreter and byte code emitter. The source is available from [[http://jimpi.origo.ethz.ch/]]. ===== Language ===== The language grammar: Number: '0'..'9'+; Symbol: 'a'..'z'|'A'..'Z' (a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9')* File: Procedure* Statement*; Procedure: 'procedure' Symbol '(' (symbol (',' symbol)*)? ';' (symbol (',' symbol)*)? ')' 'begin' Statement* 'end'; Statement: While | Until | For | Scope | Assign | If | Skip; While: 'while' Expression 'do' Statement* 'end'; Until: 'repeat' Statement* 'until' Expression; For: 'for' Assign 'to' Expression 'do' Statement* 'end'; Scope: 'var' Assign 'in' Statement* 'end'; Assign: Symbol ':=' Expression; If: 'if' Expression 'then' Statement* ('else' Statement*)? 'end'; Skip: 'skip'; Expression: '(' Expression BinOp Expression ')' | Number | Symbol | Symbol '(' (Expression (',' Expression)*)? ';' (symbol (',' symbol)*)? ')' BinOp: '+' | '-' | '*' | '=' | '#' | '>' | '>' | '>=' | '<=' | 'and' | 'or'; ===== License ===== Jimpi is published under the tems of [[http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html|EPL 1.0]].