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Configuration management

All config is hosted in GIT in the following repo:

  1. Clone it to /local/config:
    1. mkdir /local
      git clone /local/config-vhost
    2. All configuration should go to /local/config-vhost/$HOST.
  2. Configured packages should have their config in the git repo. Do this by installing the package and then move the config to /local/config-vhost/$HOST/, while keeping the directory structure.
    1. For example, with
      rsync -R --links /etc/tinc /local/config-vhost/vhost2/
  3. Then, symlink the config back:
    ln -s /local/config-vhost/vhost2/etc/tinc /etc/tinc
info/configuration_management.1553520972.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/25 13:36 by hartmut

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