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Configuration management

All config is hosted in GIT in the following repo:

  1. Clone it to /local/config:
    1. mkdir /local
      git clone /local/config-vhost
    2. All configuration should go to /local/config-vhost/$HOST.
  2. Configured packages should have their config in the git repo. Do this by installing the package and then move the config to /local/config-vhost/$HOST/, while keeping the directory structure.
    1. For example, with
      rsync -R --links /etc/tinc /local/config-vhost/vhost2/
  3. Then, symlink the config back:
    ln -s /local/config-vhost/vhost2/etc/tinc /etc/tinc

Work on the local copy on your machine, test it there if possible, then, push to Bitbucket, pull to the vhost and apply the changes there by restarting or reloading the service.

info/configuration_management.1553521072.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/25 13:37 by hartmut

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