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info:development [2009/09/24 18:40] moritzinfo:development [2011/08/23 14:42] (current) – [Restoring installed packages] moritz
Line 4: Line 4:
 ===== Editor ===== ===== Editor =====
 I suggest using [[|Vim]]. It provides many features to edit text and syntax highlighting. On Debian-based systems, install ''vim-gnome'' to get the graphical interface ''gvim''. I suggest using [[|Vim]]. It provides many features to edit text and syntax highlighting. On Debian-based systems, install ''vim-gnome'' to get the graphical interface ''gvim''.
 +==== Default configuration ====
 +Vim stores its configuration in ''~/.vimrc''. This file contains a list of commands. These commands are executed whenever vim starts. The following example enables syntax highlighting, sets tabs to four spaces width, and replaces all tabs by spaces. The ''autoindent'' option causes Vim to start the next line with the same indentation the previous line had.
 +syn on
 +set tabstop=4
 +set shiftwidth=4
 +set expandtab
 +set autoindent
 +===== Eclipse =====
 +For many applications, Eclipse is the best editor and IDE. See [[.:eclipse]] for more details.
 ===== C/C++ Development ===== ===== C/C++ Development =====
 To get help on C functions like ''printf'', install ''manpages-dev''. Having it installed, one can issue ''man printf'' on the console to get the function's description. To get help on C functions like ''printf'', install ''manpages-dev''. Having it installed, one can issue ''man printf'' on the console to get the function's description.
 +[[c_global_local|Variables in C]]
 ==== Make ==== ==== Make ====
Line 14: Line 28:
  gcc -o program -Wall -g -O1 program.c  gcc -o program -Wall -g -O1 program.c
 </code> </code>
-Note that commands _must_ start with a tab character.+Note that commands __must__ start with a tab character. 
 +===== Working with assembly ===== 
 +Example to disable a function call in a compiled application. Assume the binary is called ''prog'' and inside there is a call to a function that needs to be disabled. The tools required are ''objdump'', a hex editor and ''diff'' for correctness checking. 
 +  - Disassemble the whole program: <code>$ objdump -D prog > prog.s</code> 
 +  - Find the function call assuming it is in ''<main>'': <code>less prog.s</code> and search for ''main'': <code>/main</code> Something like this should appear: <code asm>080489a4 <main>: 
 + 80489a4:       8d 4c 24 04             lea    0x4(%esp),%ecx 
 + 80489a8:       83 e4 f0                and    $0xfffffff0,%esp 
 + 80489ab:       ff 71 fc                pushl  -0x4(%ecx) 
 + 80489ae:       55                      push   %ebp 
 + 80489af:       89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp</code> 
 +  - Now look for the instruction to be replaced. In our example, we want to get rid of some call. So we look for <code> 8048a30:       e8 40 0b 00 00          call   8049575 <some_function></code> 
 +  - Now the code that needs to be replaced is identified, it is the byte sequence ''e8 40 0b 00 00''. Open a hex editor, and search for this sequence. It is not possible to map the addresses created by ''objdump'' to addresses in the binary file, that's why we just have to stick to do a plain search. Make sure that it is the right function call by checking that the surrounding bytes match the ones in the ''objdump'' output. 
 +  - Now replace ''e8 40 0b 00 00'' by ''90 90 90 90 90'', the Intel command for NOP. 
 +  - To test if the patch was successful, use <code bash>$ objdump -D prog > prog.s2 
 +diff prog.s prog.s2</code> The output should be something like this: <code diff> 
 +<  8048a30:     e8 40 0b 00 00          call   8049575 <some_function> 
 +>  8048a30:     90                      nop 
 +>  8048a31:     90                      nop 
 +>  8048a32:     90                      nop 
 +>  8048a33:     90                      nop 
 +>  8048a34:     90                      nop</code> 
 +  - Test your program and see if it behaves correctly. All other instructions can be changed using the same mechanism. Be careful not to change something to a wrong value, and always backup between patching. It is very easy to introduce errors that are later hard to correct. 
 +====== Debian ====== 
 +===== Restoring installed packages ===== 
 +Debian offers a wide range of packages. Using a system for a longer time causes more and more packages to be installed. At some points in time it may happen that a new system needs to be installed. In this case, it takes a  
 +while to install the packages one was used to again, especially as there are a lot of packages with rather cryptic names. 
 +To overcome the problem, here is a script that takes a snapshot of the installed packaged for some system. From the generated file, a Debian package can be created. It depends on all the packages that are manually installed on the current system. 
 +<code sh> 
 +# generater a lost of installed packages 
 +PKG_LST=$(aptitude search "~i !~M "|awk '{print $2","}'|tr -d "\n"
 +DATE=-$(date +"%s"
 +cat - <<EOF 
 +### Uncomment to edit them. 
 +Section: misc 
 +Priority: optional 
 +Standards-Version: 3.6.2 
 +Package: YOURNAME-environment 
 +Version: 1.0$DATE 
 +Maintainer: your name <user@host.tld> 
 +# Pre-Depends: <comma-separated list of packages> 
 +Depends: $PKG_LST 
 +# Recommends: <comma-separated list of packages> 
 +# Suggests: <comma-separated list of packages> 
 +# Provides: <comma-separated list of packages> 
 +# Replaces: <comma-separated list of packages> 
 +Architecture: all 
 +# Copyright: <copyright file; defaults to GPL2> 
 +# Changelog: <changelog file; defaults to a generic changelog> 
 +# Readme: <README.Debian file; defaults to a generic one> 
 +# Extra-Files: <comma-separated list of additional files for the doc directory> 
 +Description: Moritz Debian customizations 
 +  . 
 +    This package depends on all packages I expect my system to have installed. 
 +If only one section/archive should be listed, use: ''!~s_section_ ~A_archive'' as additional aptitude search parameters. Replace ''_section_'' and ''_archive_'' by something that is appropriate for your system. 
 +Save the file, for example as ''pkg_lst'' and make it runnable: ''chmod 755 pkg_lst''. Now, run <code>./pkg_lst > my-env</code> followed by <code>equivs-build my-env</code> 
 +This creates a package, which can now be installed as root: <code>dpkg -i YOURNAME-environment_1.0_all.deb</code> 
 +To install a new package, edit ''YOURNAME-env'' and add the desired package to the ''Depends:'' list. Install the package again, and it will complain about unsatisfied dependencies. Just run aptitude to install the dependencies and everything should be fine. This technique can also be used to have the same software environment on a number of machines. 
 +TODO: How to setup a Debian repository with own packages. 
 +==== Moritz's package list ==== 
 +### Uncomment to edit them. 
 +Section: misc 
 +Priority: optional 
 +Standards-Version: 3.6.2 
 +Package: moritz-environment 
 +Version: 1.0 
 +Maintainer: Moritz Hoffmann <...@.....> 
 +# Pre-Depends: <comma-separated list of packages> 
 +Depends: acpi,acpi-support,acpid,adduser,agrep,alien,alsa-base,alsamixergui,anacron,ant,antlr3,aptitude,aspell-de,atop,audacious,autoconf,autotools-dev,bash,cdbs,cdebootstrap,chktex,cpufrequtils,crosshurd,cups,deborphan,default-jdk,dh-make,ding,dissy,dnsutils,doxygen,dvipost,ed,enigmail,fbset,flashplugin-nonfree,galternatives,gcc,gconf-editor,gdb,gimp,gksu,gnome-keyring,gnupg,gpm,grandr,groff-base,grub-pc,gthumb,gv,hdapsd,hexedit,hwinfo,icedove,icedove-gnome-support,iceweasel,ifupdown,indent,info,initscripts,intel-microcode,intltool,iputils-ping,irssi,irssi-scripts,jabref,jfsutils,keepassx,kernel-package,laptop-mode-tools,less,lftp,lha,libdrm-dev,libncurses5-dev,libpam-ssh,libqt3-headers,libsensors3,libtool,libxvmc-dev,linux-image-686,linux-tree-2.6.30,locate,lyx,man-db,manpages,manpages-dev,mc,memtest86+,menu,mimetex,mplayer,nano,network-manager-dev,network-manager-gnome,ntfs-config,ntfsprogs,ntp,ntpdate,octave3.2,openjdk-6-source,,,openssh-server,openttd,orbit2,p7zip-rar,pbuilder,pcmciautils,perl-tk,perlindex,pidgin,pidgin-blinklight,pidgin-facebookchat,popularity-contest,powertop,printconf,procps,quicksynergy,quilt,rpm,rsyslog,screen,sdparm,seahorse,smartmontools,smbclient,smbfs,sshfs,subversion-tools,sudo,synergy,sysv-rc,sysvinit,sysvinit-utils,tasksel,tasksel-data,telnet,texlive,texlive-bibtex-extra,texlive-doc-de,texlive-doc-en,texlive-fonts-extra,texlive-lang-german,texlive-math-extra,tightvncserver,tk-dev,tp-smapi-modules-2.6-686,traceroute,udev,unrar,userinfo,vim-gtk,vino,vpnc,wget,whois,wpasupplicant,x11proto-gl-dev,x11proto-xf86dri-dev,x86dis,xchat,xfce4,xfce4-goodies,xfce4-hdaps,xfce4-volumed,xgdvi,xine-ui,xorg-docs,xsane,xserver-xorg-dev,xtightvncviewer,xutils-dev,zenmap,zsh, 
 +# Recommends: <comma-separated list of packages> 
 +# Suggests: <comma-separated list of packages> 
 +# Provides: <comma-separated list of packages> 
 +# Replaces: <comma-separated list of packages> 
 +Architecture: all 
 +# Copyright: <copyright file; defaults to GPL2> 
 +# Changelog: <changelog file; defaults to a generic changelog> 
 +# Readme: <README.Debian file; defaults to a generic one> 
 +# Extra-Files: <comma-separated list of additional files for the doc directory> 
 +Description: Moritz Debian customizations 
 +  . 
 +    This package depends on all packages I expect my system to have installed. 
 +===== Lotus Notes on Debian ===== 
 +At some point in time, Debian decided to rename libcupsys to libcups, breaking Note's dependencies. To make it run with the new library, create a dummy library libcupsys2 that depends on libcups2 and creates a symlink from to 
info/development.1253817623.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/09/24 18:40 by moritz

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