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Collected ideas…

Formatting Authors

When citing authors, the soul package is useful. It provides small caps with additional spacing. Use it as:

\so{Author Name}

Bib and localization

Include the package babel and babelbib in the preamble:


Use the following command to produce the bibliography:


Hyperref setup

Setup hyperref to include correct author name and opening mode for PDF files:

  pdfauthor={Author Name <name@domain.tld>}, pdfstartview={FitV}

Math extensions

Some often used operators and functions:


Better Vectors

The standard \vec command produces in some situations bad looking vectors. That problem can be avoided by using the package esvect and the command \vv{a} to produce the vector a or \vv*{a}{i} to produce the vector ai.


Disable all graphics: <code latex> \renewcommand{\includegraphics}[1][]{\url} </code

info/latex.1297090562.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/02/07 14:56 by moritz

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