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Table of Contents
Moritz Hoffmann's web site
This website contains all kind of information collected by Moritz, mostly related to computer science.
About myself
I am a PhD student in Timothy Roscoe's group in the Systems Group at ETH Zurich.
See my Curriculum Vitæ for more information.
- Memory-side protection with a capability enforcement co-processor; Leonid Azriel, Lukas Humbel, Reto Achermann, Alex Richardson, Moritz Hoffmann, Avi Mendelson, Timothy Roscoe, Robert NM Watson, Paolo Faraboschi, Dejan Milojicic. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) PDF
- Megaphone: Latency-conscious state migration for distributed streaming dataflows; Moritz Hoffmann, Andrea Lattuada, Frank McSherry, Vasiliki Kalavri, John Liagouris and Timothy Roscoe. arXiv
- Three steps is all you need: fast, accurate, automatic scaling decisions for distributed streaming dataflows; Vasiliki Kalavri, John Liagouris, Moritz Hoffmann, Desislava Dimitrova, Matthew Forshaw, and Timothy Roscoe. OSDI'18
- DeltaPath: dataflow-based high-performance incremental routing; Desislava Dimitrova, John Liagouris, Sebastian Wicki, Moritz Hoffmann, Vasiliki Kalavri, and Timothy Roscoe; arXiv
- Quick Incremental Routing Logic for Dynamic Network Graphs, D Dimitrova, J Liagouris, M Hoffmann, V Kalavri, S Wicki, T Roscoe, Proceedings of the SIGCOMM Posters and Demos, 9-11
- SnailTrail: Online Bottleneck Detection for your Dataflow R. Sager, J. Liagouris, D. Dimitrova, A. Lattuada, V. Kalavri, Z. Chothia, M. Hoffmann, T. Roscoe; Poster; EuroSys 2017
- Differential durability: fault-tolerant distributed differential computation A. Lattuada, V. Kalavri, M. Hoffmann, F. McSherry; Poster; EuroSys 2017
- READY: Completeness is in the Eye of the Beholder, Badrish Chandramouli, Johannes Gehrke, Jonathan Goldstein, Moritz Hoffmann, Donald Kossmann, Justin Levandoski, Renato Marroquin, Wenlei Xie, 2017, CIDR PDF PDF (local)
- Reto Achermann (ETH Zurich); Chris Dalton, Paolo Faraboschi (Hewlett Packard Labs); Moritz Hoffmann (ETH Zurich); Dejan Milojicic, Geoffrey Ndu (Hewlett Packard Labs); Alexander Richardson (University of Cambridge); Timothy Roscoe (ETH Zurich); Adrian L. Shaw (Hewlett Packard Labs); Robert N. M. Watson (University of Cambridge): Separating Translation from Protection in Address Spaces with Dynamic Remapping, ACM HotOS, 2017 PDF
- EuroSys 2015 Doctoral Workshop: Rack-Aware Operating Systems. PDF
- Seminararbeit zur Vorlesung Einblick in die Geschichte und in die Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Ost-Asien: Der Weg japanischer Küche um die Welt
- Anchor-free Localization in Wireless Lamp Networks using Superimposed RSSI Measurements, Alexandru Caracas, Thomas Eirich, Thorsten Kramp, Marcus Oestreicher, Moritz Hoffmann, Claudio Gargiulo, Gabor Soros, SENSORCOMM 2013 PDF
- Strymon is a platform to run data center operations and monitoring. I am working on performance analysis of distributed dataflow applications and scaling mechanisms.
- Barrelfish is a research operating system to explore multi- and many-core architectures using novel approaches from distributed systems. My research was in the field of scaling-out Barrelfish across many physical machines using low-latency interconnects.
Personal projects
- columnar-rs is a Rust library to transparently convert row-based memory layouts into a columnar variant. This can yield a significant performance improvement due to better cache utilization and dense data.
Contact information
Reach me using moritz at antiguru dot de
(private) or
(ETH Zurich) or on the following web sites:
Current Activities
- See ETH for content related to my studies.
- Tips for Linux/UNIX and other interesting things.
- Some Algorithms.
- Java IMP Interpreter is an IMP Interpreter/compiler.
- I worked on IBM's Rapid Deployment Services and ZTIC.
- I worked on wireless sensor networks at Linear.
- I worked at
Past events
start.1507875995.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/13 06:26 by moritz